Las Vegas to California on the I-15
Some Relief in Site by Late Summer

              Some relief appears to be on the horizon for weary travelers in the form of widening a stretch of the I-15 just over the California border.
California Nevada I-15 Project
              On holidays, traffic can be backed up 25 to 30 miles or more between Las Vegas and California., as witnessed this "Memorial Day Weekend." Traffic jams on I-15 also exist on most weekend traffic.
              There is  a “deep urgency” for solutions,  Gov Newson  (CA) and  Gov Sisolak (NV) have said an initial proposed $12M project would be completed “by the summer.”
              The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) recently put a contract out for bid for a planned $12 million project to repave and re-stripe the shoulder to make it a travel lane at heavy traffic times on the stretch of I-15 southbound from the Nevada-California border to the inspection station. It could be open by late summer, Caltrans hopes.
              The project is estimated to cost $12 million and will be completed with existing California State Highway Account resources.  It is expected to begin by mid-Spring 2022, with completion anticipated by the end of summer 2022.
California Nevada I-15 Improvement Plan
              With over 40 million people visiting Las Vegas annually and nearly 25 percent of those traveling between Southern California and Nevada, travel times on I-15 southbound on Sundays and Mondays between the state line and Barstow, California average between three to five hours. Those delays make the usually 4 ½ hour drive between Las Vegas and Los Angeles take as long as 10 hours.
California Nevada I-15Traffic Jam

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