LAS VEGAS JUne 9, 2020- 7:45pm — Bars not serving food in the Las Vegas area will be ordered to temporarily shutter at 11:59 p.m. Friday as the state rolls back its reopening plan amid spikes in coronavirus cases, Gov. Steve Sisolak announced tonight. There’s been a gradual increase in COVID-19 cases since bars and other businesses such as gyms and water parks reopened about a month ago in the second phase of bringing the economy back after more than 80 days of closures. The positivity test rate is 7.5%.
Sisolak, who didn’t indicate how long he would order bars to remain closed, said he came to the decision after discussions with officials from the federal Department of Health and Human Services. They warned that the state could see such a surge of cases that the hospital system would be overwhelmed if something wasn’t done.
“This information, based on the increasing trends we’ve been experiencing, led me to my decision today,” he said.