What initially looked like a slow recovery for Las Vegas now appears to be moving faster. Steven Hill President and CEO of the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority in a virtual presentation to the Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce expressed new optimism.
According to Hill research conducted by the LVCVA over 90% of prospective conventioneers are burned out from virtual meetings and that 70% are longing to return to Las Vegas for Trade Shows, Meetings and Conventions.
Las Vegas is considered among the top safe convention destinations. When surveyed convention goers expect Las Vegas to be the first city ready with a safe meeting environment.
At Hill’s virtual presentation he touched on a variety of subjects that he felt would impact the health of Las Vegas. Hill sees the opening of new casino resorts as a optimistic sign of Las Vegas health. He mentioned the recent opening of Circa, the 2021 opening of Resort World Las Vegas, and the Virgin Las Vegas.
Hill also addressed the revolutionary advances made by the Convention Bureau, the Transportation Infrastructure, the NFL and Allegiant Stadium.
Encouraged by the COVID vaccine distribution Hill anticipates a move toward normal by Summer 2021. Expecting second and third quarter booms. Travelers will be introduced to a new Las Vegas with the changes to the Las Vegas Strip, downtown Las Vegas, the Convention Center Expansion and an improved Transportation System.